A horse the source of divorce by Madelaine Empson
Those who love improv and need a regular fix should jump on Best On Tap’s Happy Hour, an improvised theatrical experience taking place on the fourth Thursday of each month at the newly refurbished, delightful Newtown Community Centre theatre. Taking prompts from the audience – some silly, some funny, some touching – Tim Croft, Clare Kerrison, Mary Little, Barry Miskimmin, Nicola Pauling, Geoff Simmons, and Kate Whitaker, with D’ Woods on lights and Matt Hutton on keys, will bring the profound and the joyous to the stage in an hour of what they call “truth-based improv” on Thursday the 23rd of May.
Mary Little explains how the troupe and concept came about.
“Best on Tap was formed in 2014 following a production of Australian improviser Amy Moule’s Return to Sender. Best on Tappers have trained and played with Wellington Improvisation Troupe, The Improverts, Basejump Comedy, and many other groups in New Zealand’s exciting improv landscape. Putting on Return to Sender helped to clarify that we were into the same kind of improvisation: truth-based, theatrical, with plenty of laughs but also exploring authentic emotions and relationships.”
Mary says the current tight Best On Tap team has had so many brilliant onstage moments that it’s hard to pick just a few.
“There was Clare’s musician playing for the funeral of a beloved cat – and then being graveside 20 years later for the memorial. That time Katie and I realised our marriage was over while cleaning our horse. When Matt brought an audience to tears by miming the final cello solo of a broken-hearted man. Nicola’s list of little-known sexual positions concluding with the milky milky maid. Geoff’s shell-shocked soldier pouring his heart out to Barry’s gentle Irish priest. When Tim led us in a Viking charge to reclaim his true self. Geoff swimming his stresses away down at the pool ‘giving it Danyon Loader!’”
Be prepared for lots of laughs, heartfelt moments, and, suffice to say, plenty of surprises!
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« Issue 219, May 7, 2024