Homer Neurotic
Photo by Jeff Tollan
Bi and beautiful by Alessia Belsito-Riera
“Dust off your favourite flannel, cuff your jeans, sit weirdly in a chair, and get ready to throw up your finger guns”, multi-award-winning drag icon Homer Neurotic declares. Why, you may ask? Because it’s Bisexual Awareness Week from the 16th to the 23rd of September and Ivy Bar and Cabaret – the home of Wellington’s queer community and where everyone can be themselves – is celebrating the best way they know how: with a bisexual pride cabaret on the 21st of September.
Bi Bi Bi: A Bisexual Pride Cabaret is a joyous event from the mind of Pōneke’s resident sad boy and MC for the evening, Homer Neurotic, that celebrates bisexual, pansexual, polysexual, and omnisexual identities. Bisexuals, the people who love them, and bi allies are all welcome.
“Expect a night of drag, burlesque, comedy, and more,” Homer Neurotic says, “because why choose just one when you don’t have to?”
Delivering this diverse range of performances and entertainment is a lineup just as vast and varied. Audiences can get hyped for drag king and burlesque bro Robin Yablind, the reigning Supreme Grand Tease who’ll steal your girl, your man, and your heart; your Italian, opera singing lover boy Eddie D’amore, who holds the title for 2023 Mx Capital Drag; 2022 and 2023 Miss Burlesque Aotearoa Velma Cherry; embracer of chaos and July 2024 Rising Star winner Rainn Bowes; 2024 Mx Capital finalist Rocky Rhodes, your glam-rock pretty boy and gender destructionist; and high-energy sketch comedy duo Ginge and Minge.
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« Issue 228, September 10, 2024