Robin Yablind
Photo by Dave Merrit
Down and birdy by Alessia Belsito-Riera
The kings of Wellington’s drag scene are about to ruffle some feathers and they simply can’t wait. From the mind of Amy Thurst, producer of Antipageant, Monster Mash, and Wellington Drag Performer of the Year, comes Peacocking – Thee Opulent Drag King Show.
After some preening and plumping, the impeccably dressed drag kings are looking to get down and birdy with you. They will take to the stage in a range of performances, bringing you the highest calibre drag acts, burlesque routines, and live singing numbers in one of Wellington’s most professional, ethical, inclusive, and welcoming Rainbow spaces.
“So chaotically hot, steamy, and opulent that it makes drag race without drag kings look like daylight robbery”, Amy says. “A night filled with ostentatious outfits, blinding rhinestones, and outrageous antics that will leave you mesmerised, hypnotised, and even... thursty for more!”
Featuring Pōneke legends Amy Thurst our matron of monsters; Hanz Hehim the king of Rei; Homer Neurotic the sad boy; Frida People, who is here to burn the patriarchy; Robin Yablind [pictured], also known as Mr-steal-your-girl; Willy SmacknTush the king of Scots; Eddie D’amore the Italian opera singer; and Amoeba Geezer the orgasmic organism, Peacocking – Thee Opulent Drag King Show will bring down the roost.
Fly, don’t walk to Ivy Bar and Cabaret on the 20th of May to catch these stud puffins rocking the birdcage. It’s time to shake your tailfeathers!
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« Issue 195, May 9, 2023